Online registration for exams and theses
Students completing bachelor’s and master’s degree programmes at the Faculty of Arts and Humanities can register for exams, written assessments and theses online via the student portal. This includes individual exams such as term papers and final oral exams. Currently, the only exception to this is for students on the European Studies master’s programme.
Topics and dates should still be agreed personally between examiner and student, and not exclusively online. The following tutorials guide you step-by-step through the different processes required, provide answers to frequently asked questions (e.g. “how do I withdraw from an exam?”) and indicate contacts who students can turn to in the event of problems. Please note that these tutorials are only available in German.
- Click-by-click guide for students: Online registration for individual exams
- Tutorial on how to register for exams online
- Tutorial handout
- Click-by-click guide to registering a dissertation/thesis online
The grade calculator provided on the right-hand side of the page (German only) also offers students the opportunity to calculate and check their overall grade for their studies from their major and minor subjects, and review what makes up their overall grade.
Electronic submission of bachelor’s and master’s theses
Bachelor’s and master’s dissertations/theses must be submitted electronically as PDF documents. The PDF documents must be uploaded to the student portal before the deadline. The time of upload is officially recorded as the submission date.
Assessors may also request submission of a paper version where the specific exam regulations make provision for this. The paper version and any additional items that form part of the work, such as data storage media, etc., that cannot be integrated into the PDF must be submitted directly to the initial assessor.